Oh Christmas Tree, Oh 21st Century (Christmas, Local Anxiety Style)

It wouldn’t be right to let the holidays pass without our annual tradition of a little bit of green, and since this year’s holiday activity was a little more slanted to relaxation, I thought we’d share a little music video our pals Mark Leiren-Young and Kevin Crofton of Local Anxiety made to ring in the season.  Besides which, our gal Emme Rogers helped them out and has been hounding us to post this.  As best we can tell, her shoulder starred in the street scene.  If Mark gets this on a CD, I am sure she’d be happy to kiss a few more autographs.



Now if you buggered up the whole green Christmas thing, no worries, just use the words of Mark’s niece, Emma (not to be confused with Emme – this kids got way more talent), as an inspiration for a socially conscious New Year. Either that or go get a glass of wine and go back to the bath bubbles.



Oh and if Emma made you feel worse for wear at the beginning of your New Year, don’t fret, this should put the kid in perspective:


Happy New Year!
