Past Clients
We have worked with many wonderful clients over the years ~ building strategy, creating storyworlds, doing digital branding, developing digital and transmedia characters, managing social media, building engaged digital audiences, writing, teaching and coaching, and providing educational services. A few of those clients include: … [Continue Reading]
Being storytellers and having a love for education, we facilitate workshops & coach on using emerging and social media platforms to tell your stories – creatively and professionally. The desire to tell stories has not diminished for thousands of years, only the tools have changed. Ahimsa Media is as passionate about new technologies as we… [Continue Reading]
Educational Services
Ahimsa Media President, Erica Hargreave and Head of Education, Lori Yearwood, started their career in education and as such knows what teachers need from the media they use in the classroom, what works well in the classroom, and what excites, stimulates and motivates kids. They also understand educational terminology and can speak to the education… [Continue Reading]
Multi-Platform Storytelling
Our audience has changed. They want to receive media and stories on a number of different platforms, including those that they can interact with and be a part of the story. As storytellers and communications professionals, we need to start thinking digital, convergence, transmedia and interactive, and we need to do so at the early… [Continue Reading]
What We Do
Ahimsa Media is a Digital, Interactive, Transmedia Storytelling Company, helping to build storyworlds and digital brands. In other words, we specialize in telling stories, using both emerging & traditional media to engage our audiences interactively. We work with a team of people from creative disciplines, including technologists, writers, photographers and videographers, to help you to… [Continue Reading]
Multi-Platform Strategy

Thinking in terms of digital, convergence, transmedia and interactive is becoming more and more crucial to access funding, like the CMF, for … Read more
Building Storyworlds

Our team not only helps to design interactive / digital media strategies, but we are also happy to manage their on-going success, creating storyworlds … Read more
Social Media & Digital Branding

Our team excels in digital branding, and social media marketing and management. We can work with you to identify your story and how best to tell it … Read more
Find Out How We Can Rock Your Digital Brand & Storyworld …
Educational Services

Ahimsa Media President, Erica Hargreave and Head of Education, Lori Yearwood, started their career in education and as such knows what teachers … Read more
Workshops & Coaching

Being storytellers and having a love for education, we facilitate workshops & coach on using emerging and social media platforms to tell your … Read more

We have worked with many wonderful clients over the years ~ building strategy, creating storyworlds, doing digital branding, developing digital and … Read more