Great People We Meet on the Road, Speaking on a Sustainable Future in Tourism

One of the things I have been loving about all of the great traveling we’ve been doing with Roamancing this past year are the lovely and interesting people we’ve been meeting around the world, including the two in this video, Mohamed A. El Monem and Audrey Scott:


[youtube Yx0M46_WWkw]


Mohamed is the host of a couple of Shows on Egyptian Satellite TV and an excellent interviewer, especially as he was translating on top of that.  Audrey and I also had fun debating some pretty weighty topics with him.

Audrey, like us, is a digital storyteller, and I might add, an excellent one.  She and her husband, Daniel Noll, have been focused on digital storytelling around travel with their site, Also similar to us, they focus on the human side of travel, waking people’s minds up to cultures around the world.  They are beautiful people inside and out, and I feel very fortunate to have spent a fair bit of time with them the past few months.


Mohamed and Audrey on Egyptian Satellite TV


I am excited for tonight, as they will be speaking on Sustainability in Travel in Vancouver, which means I get to sit back and listen to a few more of their stories.  Pleased to share that there are still tickets, so you can enjoy them too. Here are the details:


  • What?  Future of Tourism Vancouver
  • When?  TONIGHT – May 31st, 2012 at 6:45 pm
  • Where?  The Centre in Vancouver for Performing Arts (777 Homer St., Vancouver)
  • Cost?  By Donation
  • Register:  Future of Tourism Vancouver Eventbrite

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